Refactoring -1

Note: We will take one of the feature files or code bases (Android in this case) to demonstrate some of the concepts while refactoring. This can also be followed with the other iOS code written.

In this first refactoring, we will remove the manual dependency of starting and stopping the Appium server, and we will do it programmatically:

  • Create a new class called StartingSteps under the steps package
  • In the StartingSteps class, create two empty methods, called startAppiumServer and stopAppiumServer:
      public void startAppiumServer(){
//code to start appium server

public void stopAppiumServer(){
// Code to stop appium server

At this point in time, we need to know the concept of hooks in cucumber. So basically, cucumber gives you a number of hooks, which allow one to run certain code at a certain point in the test life cycle. These hooks can be used and defined in a class file in the steps folder. However, cucumber doesn't mandate the location. So, the two hooks that we will use are these:

  • Before: Before hooks will run before the execution of each scenario. They execute before the first step mentioned in each scenario; hence, they can potentially act as a common setup for all the tests. We can have multiple before hooks, and they will run in the same order as they are declared.
  • After: After hooks run after the last step of each scenario. they run irrespective of the outcome of the last step, whether the last step is a success or failure.

Let's put the @Before tag for the startAppiumServer method and the @After tag for stopAppiumServer method. While resolving, ensure that you use the, highlighted here:

  • The next step is to add code that will start the Appium server. Appium exposes AppiumDriverLocalService, which will basically let you start and stop the server.
  • Add the following code to the startAppiumServer method. So, this builds the default Appium service, which means that the IP address will remain and the port will be 4723:
public void
startAppiumServer() throws IOException {
AppiumDriverLocalService appiumService =
  • To implement the stopAppiumServer method, we need appiumService to be in instance variable; so, highlight the first row above and select Refactor > Extract > Field.
  • Once done in the stopAppiumServer method, implement the following code. This stops the Appium server:
public void stopAppiumServer() {
  • Once done, stop any instance of Appium server running via the terminal (Command prompt in case of Windows) or Appium GUI app.
  • Navigate to the feature file, right-click, and select the Run 'Feature:Sample' option.

You should be able to run both the scenarios without having to start the Appium server manually.

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