How to Synchronize Tests

In the earlier chapters, we completed the journey of writing a basic test scenario that runs on the emulator. We started with the machine setup, creating an Appium Java project and then writing the first Appium test. We also looked at how to use the Appium inspector to find locators. During this process, we wrote a couple of scenarios and automated them. Robustness and reliability are the traits of a good automated test. However, while writing a test, sometimes we need to keep the test execution speed in sync with the actual app performance; this way, the script won't fail for issues such as the app not loading rapidly. So far, we handled it using Thread.sleep() in our code, which is not the best way to handle synchronization.

In this chapter, we will learn about the following:

  • Different driver types available in Appium
  • Wait strategies:
    • Implicit wait
    • Explicit wait
    • Fluent wait

And we will refactor the code to implement these.

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