Introduction to parallel programming

In order to parallelize a program, it is necessary to divide the problem into subunits that can run independently (or almost independently) from each other.

A problem where the subunits are totally independent from each other is called embarrassingly parallel. An element-wise operation on an array is a typical example--the operation needs to only know the element it is handling at the moment. Another example is our particle simulator. Since there are no interactions, each particle can evolve independently from the others. Embarrassingly parallel problems are very easy to implement and perform very well on parallel architectures.

Other problems may be divided into subunits but have to share some data to perform their calculations. In those cases, the implementation is less straightforward and can lead to performance issues because of the communication costs.

We will illustrate the concept with an example. Imagine that you have a particle simulator, but this time the particles attract other particles within a certain distance (as shown in the following figure). To parallelize this problem, we divide the simulation box into regions and assign each region to a different processor. If we evolve the system one step at a time, some particles will interact with particles in a neighboring region. To perform the next iteration, communication with the new particle positions of the neighboring region is required.

Communication between processes is costly and can seriously hinder the performance of parallel programs. There exist two main ways to handle data communication in parallel programs:

  • Shared memory
  • Distributed memory

In shared memory, the subunits have access to the same memory space. The advantage of this approach is that you don't have to explicitly handle the communication as it is sufficient to write or read from the shared memory. However, problems arise when multiple processes try to access and change the same memory location at the same time. Care should be taken to avoid such conflict using synchronization techniques.

In the distributed memory model, each process is completely separated from the others and possesses its own memory space. In this case, communication is handled explicitly between the processes. The communication overhead is typically costlier compared to shared memory as data can potentially travel through a network interface.

One common way to achieve parallelism with the shared memory model is threads. Threads are independent subtasks that originate from a process and share resources, such as memory. This concept is further illustrated in the following figure. Threads produce multiple execution context and share the same memory space, while processes provide multiple execution context that possess their own memory space and communication has to be handled explicitly.

Python can spawn and handle threads, but they can't be used to increase performance; due to the Python interpreter design, only one Python instruction is allowed to run at a time--this mechanism is called Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). What happens is that each time a thread executes a Python statement, the thread acquires a lock and, when the execution is completed, the same lock is released. Since the lock can be acquired only by one thread at a time, other threads are prevented from executing Python statements while some other thread holds the lock.

Even though the GIL prevents parallel execution of Python instructions, threads can still be used to provide concurrency in situations where the lock can be released, such as in time-consuming I/O operations or in C extensions.

Why not remove the GIL? In past years, many attempts have been made, including the most recent gilectomy experiment. First, removing the GIL is not an easy task and requires modification of most of the Python data structures. Additionally, such fine-grained locking can be costly and may introduce substantial performance loss in single-threaded programs. Despite this, some Python implementations (notable examples are Jython and IronPython) do not use the GIL.

The GIL can be completely sidestepped using processes instead of threads. Processes don't share the same memory area and are independent from each other--each process has its own interpreter. Processes have a few disadvantages: starting up a new process is generally slower than starting a new thread, they consume more memory, and inter-process communication can be slow. On the other hand, processes are still very flexible, and they scale better as they can be distributed on multiple machines.

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