Graphic processing units

Graphic processing units are special processors designed for computer graphics applications. Those applications usually require processing the geometry of a 3D scene and output an array of pixel to the screen. The operations performed by GPUs involve array and matrix operations on floating point numbers.

GPUs are designed to run this graphics-related operation very efficiently, and they achieve this by adopting a highly parallel architecture. Compared to a CPU, a GPU has many more (thousands) of small processing units. GPUs are intended to produce data at about 60 frames per second, which is much slower than the typical response time of a CPU, which possesses higher clock speeds.

GPUs possess a very different architecture from a standard CPU and are specialized for computing floating point operations. Therefore, to compile programs for GPUs, it is necessary to utilize special programming platforms, such as CUDA and OpenCL.

Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is a proprietary NVIDIA technology. It provides an API that can be accessed from other languages. CUDA provides the NVCC tool that can be used to compile GPU programs written in a language similar to C (CUDA C) as well as numerous libraries that implement highly optimized mathematical routines.

OpenCL is an open technology with the ability of writing parallel programs that can be compiled for a variety of target devices (CPUs and GPUs of several vendors) and is a good option for non-NVIDIA devices.

GPU programming sounds wonderful on paper. However, don't throw away your CPU yet. GPU programming is tricky and only specific use cases benefit from the GPU architecture. Programmers need to be aware of the costs incurred in memory transfers to and from the main memory and how to implement algorithms to take advantage of the GPU architecture.

Generally, GPUs are great at increasing the amount of operations you can perform per unit of time (also called throughput); however, they require more time to prepare the data for processing. In contrast, CPUs are much faster at producing an individual result from scratch (also called latency).

For the right problem, GPUs provide extreme (10 to 100 times) speedup. For this reason, they often constitute a very inexpensive (the same speedup will require hundreds of CPUs) solution to improve the performance of numerically intensive applications. We will illustrate how to execute some algorithms on a GPU in the Automatic Parallelism section.

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