Automatic parallelism

As we mentioned earlier, normal Python programs have trouble achieving thread parallelism because of the GIL. So far, we worked around this problem using separate processes; starting a process, however, takes significantly more time and memory than starting a thread.

We also saw that sidestepping the Python environment allowed us to achieve a 2x speedup on an already fast Cython code. This strategy allowed us to achieve lightweight parallelism but required a separate compilation step. In this section, we will further explore this strategy using special libraries that are capable of automatically translating our code into a parallel version for efficient execution.

Examples of packages that implement automatic parallelism are the (by now) familiar JIT compilers  numexpr and Numba. Other packages have been developed to automatically optimize and parallelize array and matrix-intensive expressions, which are crucial in specific numerical and machine learning applications.

Theano is a project that allows you to define a mathematical expression on arrays (more generally, tensors), and compile them to a fast language, such as C or C++. Many of the operations that Theano implements are parallelizable and can run on both CPU and GPU.

Tensorflow is another library that, similar to Theano, is targeted towards expression of array-intensive mathematical expression but, rather than translating the expressions to specialized C code, executes the operations on an efficient C++ engine.

Both Theano and Tensorflow are ideal when the problem at hand can be expressed in a chain of matrix and element-wise operations (such as neural networks).

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