Universal functions with Numba

Universal functions are special functions defined in NumPy that are able to operate on arrays of different sizes and shapes according to the broadcasting rules. One of the best features of Numba is the implementation of fast ufuncs.

We have already seen some ufunc examples in Chapter 3, Fast Array Operations with NumPy and Pandas. For instance, the np.log function is a ufunc because it can accept scalars and arrays of different sizes and shapes. Also, universal functions that take multiple arguments still work according to the  broadcasting rules. Examples of universal functions that take multiple arguments are np.sum or np.difference.

Universal functions can be defined in standard NumPy by implementing the scalar version and using the np.vectorize function to enhance the function with the broadcasting feature. As an example, we will see how to write the Cantor pairing function.

A pairing function is a function that encodes two natural numbers into a single natural number so that you can easily interconvert between the two representations. The Cantor pairing function can be written as follows:

    import numpy as np

def cantor(a, b):
return int(0.5 * (a + b)*(a + b + 1) + b)

As already mentioned, it is possible to create a ufunc in pure Python using the np.vectorized decorator:

def cantor(a, b):
return int(0.5 * (a + b)*(a + b + 1) + b)

cantor(np.array([1, 2]), 2)
# Result:
# array([ 8, 12])

Except for the convenience, defining universal functions in pure Python is not very useful as it requires a lot of function calls affected by interpreter overhead. For this reason, ufunc implementation is usually done in C or Cython, but Numba beats all these methods by its convenience.

All that is needed to do in order to perform the conversion is using the equivalent decorator, nb.vectorize. We can compare the speed of the standard np.vectorized version which, in the following code, is called cantor_py, and the same function is implemented using standard NumPy operations:

    # Pure Python
%timeit cantor_py(x1, x2)
100 loops, best of 3: 6.06 ms per loop
# Numba
%timeit cantor(x1, x2)
100000 loops, best of 3: 15 µs per loop
# NumPy
%timeit (0.5 * (x1 + x2)*(x1 + x2 + 1) + x2).astype(int)
10000 loops, best of 3: 57.1 µs per loop

You can see how the Numba version beats all the other options by a large margin! Numba works extremely well because the function is simple and type inference is possible.

An additional advantage of universal functions is that, since they depend on individual values, their evaluation can also be executed in parallel. Numba provides an easy way to parallelize such functions by passing the target="cpu" or target="gpu" keyword argument to the nb.vectorize decorator.
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