How to do it...

  1. Create a console application, and then right-click on your solution and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution... from the context menu.
  1. In the window that is displayed afterwards, type in System.Reactive in the search textbox and search for the NuGet installer:
  1. At the time of writing this book, the last stable release was version 3.1.1. If you have more than a single project, select the projects that you want to install Rx on. Seeing that we only have a single Console application, just select Rx to be installed for the whole project.
  1. The next screen that is displayed is a confirmation dialog box, asking you to confirm the changes to the project. It will show a preview of the changes it will be making to each project. If you are happy with the changes, click on the OK button.
  1. A license agreement might be presented to you in the last dialog screen, which you will need to accept. To continue, click on the I Accept button.
  2. After the installation is complete, you will see the references added to the Rx under the References node in your project. These are as follows:
  • System.Reactive.Core
  • System.Reactive.Interfaces
  • System.Reactive.Linq
  • System.Reactive.PlatformServices
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