How it works...

The choice of source control is a topic every developer has a strong opinion about. Unfortunately, if you work for a boss, that decision might not even be up to you. Many companies have already set up their source control system just the way they like it, and you will need to fall in with company procedure. That is just the way it is. It is, however, good to know about the options available to you as an indie developer.

All good developers should be writing code in their own time too. You are not only a developer while you sit at work. We eat, breathe, sleep, and live code. It is part of who and what we are. I will say that in order for you to become better at your job as a developer, you must play with code in your own time. Start a pet project, get some friends together, and decide to write some software together. Not only will this make you all better at what you do, but you will learn a lot from each other.

If you are a remote developer who does not commute to and work in an office every day, you can still connect with the developer community. There are so many resources available to developers, and the developer community is more than happy to rally around newbies and help them grow. Starting a solo or pet project is useless if you don't commit (pun intended) to keeping your code safe. To do this, you don't have to pay a single dollar either. Visual Studio Online (now called Team Services) and GitHub provide developers with a fantastic platform to keep your code safe.

Let's start by looking at Team Services. The site can be found by pointing your browser to

Here you will see that Microsoft has given developers a fantastic opportunity to use Team Services. It is absolutely free for up to five users. This means that you and your mates can collaboratively work on the next big thing while ensuring that your code remains secure. Signing up is as simple as clicking on the Get started for free link:

For information on pricing, visit the following link:

The second excellent option is GitHub. It differs slightly in its free offering by requiring developers to use a public repository on the free account. If you don't mind your code being essentially open source, then GitHub is a great choice. With GitHub though, you can have unlimited collaborators and public repositories:

For information on pricing, visit the following link:

The choice of source control essentially comes down to the openness of your code. If you can afford to let other developers see and download your code, then GitHub is a great choice. If you need your code to remain private and only shared between specific people, then a paid GitHub account will suit you better. If you don't want to fork out money yet, then Team Services will be your best bet.

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