This glossary defines the terms used in this book. This includes the specific SIAM definitions for common terms such as ‘board’.

Aggregation Also referred to as service aggregation. Bringing together components and elements to create a group (or service).
Board Boards perform governance in the SIAM ecosystem. They are formal decision-making bodies, and are accountable for the decisions that they take. Boards are a type of structural element.
Business as usual (BAU) The normal state of something.
Business case Outlines a proposed course of action, its potential costs and benefits. Supports decision-making.
Capability “The power or ability to do something.”29
Cloud services Services that are provided over the internet, including Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Often treated as a commodity service.
COBIT® COBIT® (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) is a framework for IT governance and management created by ISACA.
Code of conduct A code of conduct (or ‘rules of the club’) document is not a contractual agreement. It provides high-level guidance for how the parties in the SIAM ecosystem will work together.
Collaboration agreement A collaboration agreement helps to create a culture based on working together to deliver shared outcomes, without continual reference back to contracts.
Commodity service A service that can easily be replaced; for example, internet hosting is often a commodity service.
Contract An agreement between two legal entities. SIAM contracts are often shorter in duration than traditional outsourcing contracts, and have targets to drive collaborative behavior and innovation.
Customer (organization) The customer organization is the end client that is making the transition to SIAM as part of its operating model. It commissions the SIAM ecosystem.
Disaggregation Splitting a group into component parts.
Ecosystem The SIAM ecosystem includes three layers: customer organization (including retained capabilities), service integrator and service provider(s).
Enterprise architecture A definition of the structure and operation of an organization. It maps the current state and can be used to support planning for desired future states.
Enterprise service bus A type of ‘middleware’ that provides services to link more complex architectures.
External service provider An external service provider is an organization that provides services and is not part of the customer organization. It is a separate legal entity.
Externally sourced service integrator Type of SIAM structure: the customer appoints an external organization to take the role and provide the capabilities of the service integrator.
Function “An organizational entity, typically characterized by a special area of knowledge or experience.”30
Governance Governance refers to the rules, policies, processes (and in some cases, legislation) by which businesses are operated, regulated and controlled. There may be many layers of governance within a business from enterprise, corporate and IT. In a SIAM ecosystem, governance refers to the definition and application of policies and standards. These define and ensure the required levels of authority, decision-making and accountability.
Governance framework Within a SIAM ecosystem, allows the customer organization to exercise and maintain authority over the ecosystem. It includes corporate governance requirements, controls to be retained by the customer, governance structural elements, segregation of duties, and risk, performance, contract and dispute management approaches.
Governance model Designed based on the governance framework and roles and responsibilities. Includes scope, accountabilities, responsibilities, meeting formats and frequencies, inputs, outputs, hierarchy, terms of reference and related policies.
Hybrid service integrator Type of SIAM structure: the customer collaborates with an external organization to take the role of service integrator and provide the service integrator capability.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) A type of cloud service that allows customers to access virtualized computing resources.
Insourcing Sourcing from within the organization.
Intelligent client function See retained capabilities.
Internal service provider An internal service provider is a team or department that is part of the customer organization. Its performance is typically managed using internal agreements and targets.
Internally sourced service integrator Type of SIAM structure: the customer organization takes the role of service integrator, providing the service integration capability.
ITIL® ITIL® is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management in the world, and is a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited.
Key performance indicator (KPI) A metric used to measure performance. KPIs are defined for services, processes and business objectives.
Layers (SIAM layers) There are three layers in the SIAM ecosystem: customer organization (including retained capabilities), service integrator and service provider(s).
Lead supplier service integrator Type of SIAM structure: the role of service integrator is taken by an external organization that is also an external service provider.
Man-marking An undesirable and wasteful type of micro-management, where the customer checks the work of the service integrator constantly.
Management methodology A management methodology describes methods, rules and principles associated with a discipline.
Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) A guide for IT professionals that describes how to create, implement and manage services.
Model (SIAM model) A customer organization develops its SIAM model based on the practices, processes, functions, roles and structural elements described within the SIAM methodology. Its model will be based on the layers in the SIAM ecosystem.
Multi-sourcing Sourcing of goods or services from more than one supplier.
Multi-sourcing integration (MSI) May be used as an acronym for SIAM.
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) A reference model for how applications communicate over a network.
Operational-level agreement (OLA) Within the SIAM context, OLAs are created between parties (for instance, the service integrator and a service provider) to break down end-to-end service targets into detail and individual responsibilities.
Organizational change management The process used to manage changes to business processes, organizational structures and cultural changes within an organization.
Outsourcing Procuring goods or services from an external organization.
Performance management and reporting framework

The performance management and reporting framework for SIAM addresses measuring and reporting on a range of items, including:

Key performance indicators

Performance of processes and process models

Achievement of service level targets

System and service performance

Adherence to contractual and non-contractual responsibilities


Customer satisfaction

Platform as a Service (PaaS) A type of cloud service that allows customers to use virtual platforms for their application development and management. This removes the need for them to build their own infrastructure.
Practice The actual application or use of an idea, belief or method, as opposed to theories relating to it.31
Prime vendor A sourcing approach where the service provider subcontracts to other service providers to deliver the service, and the customer only has a contractual relationship with the prime vendor.
Process A documented, repeatable approach to carrying out a series of tasks or activities.
Process forum Process forums are aligned to specific processes or practices. Their members work together on proactive development, innovations and improvements. Forums will convene regularly, for as long as the SIAM model is in place. Process forums are a type of structural element.
Process manager Responsible for process execution.
Process model Describes the purpose and outcomes for a process, as well as activities, inputs, outputs, interactions, controls, measures, and supporting policies and templates.
Process owner A process owner is accountable for end-to-end process design and process performance.
Program management The process responsible for managing groups of projects to deliver a unified goal.
Project management A process that provides a repeatable approach to deliver successful projects.
RACI RACI is an acronym that stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed. These are the four principal ‘involvements’ that can be assigned to an activity and a role. A RACI chart is a matrix of all the activities or decision-making authorities undertaken in an organization set against all the people or roles.
Request for information (RFI) A business process used to compare suppliers, by collecting information about them and their capabilities.
Request for proposal (RFP) A business process used to allow suppliers to bid for a piece of work or project.
Retained capability/capabilities The customer organization will include some retained capabilities. The retained capabilities are the functions that are responsible for strategic, architectural, business engagement and corporate governance activities. The service integrator is independent from the retained capabilities, even if it is sourced internally. Service integration is not a retained capability. Retained capabilities are sometimes referred to as the ‘intelligent client function’.
Roadmap The SIAM roadmap has four stages: Discovery & Strategy, Design & Build, Implement, Run & Improve.
Separation of duties/concerns An internal control used to prevent errors or fraud, separation of duties defines what each role is authorized to do and when more than one person must be involved in a task. For example, a developer might not be permitted to test and approve their own code.
Service A system that meets a need, for example email is an ‘IT service’ that facilitates communication.
Service boundaries A definition of what parts make up a service (what is ‘inside the boundary’), often used in technical architecture documents.
Service consumer The organization directly using the service.
Service integration (SI) May be used as an acronym for SIAM.
Service integration and management (SIAM) Service integration and management (SIAM) is a management methodology that can be applied in an environment that includes services sourced from a number of service providers. Sometimes referred to as SI&M.
Service integrator A single, logical entity held accountable for the end-to-end delivery of services and the business value that the customer receives. The service integrator is accountable for end-to-end service governance, management, integration, assurance and coordination.
Service integrator layer The service integrator layer of the SIAM ecosystem is where end-to-end service governance, management, integration, assurance and coordination is performed.
Service management The management practices and capabilities that an organization uses to provide services to consumers.
Service management and integration (SMAI) May be used as an acronym for SIAM.
Service management integration (SMI) May be used as an acronym for SIAM.
Service manager Responsible for service delivery for one or more services.
Service model A way of modelling the hierarchy of services, including services that are directly consumed by the customer organization and underpinning services and dependencies.
Service orchestration Service orchestration is the term used to define the end-to-end view of service activities and establishing the standards for inputs and outputs to the end-to-end process. This includes defining control mechanisms while still allowing service providers to define the mechanisms of fulfilment and the freedom to pursue internal processes.
Service outcomes A definition of what a service is meant to achieve or deliver.
Service owner A role that is accountable for the end-to-end performance of a service.
Service provider Within a SIAM ecosystem, there are multiple service providers. Each service provider is responsible for the delivery of one or more services, or service elements, to the customer. It is responsible for managing the products and technology used to deliver its contracted or agreed services, and operating its own processes. They can be internal or external to the customer organization. Historically referred to as towers, and may also be referred to as vendors or suppliers.
Service provider category Service providers can be categorized as strategic, tactical or commodity.
Shadow IT Shadow IT describes IT services and systems commissioned by business departments, without the knowledge of the IT department (sometimes referred to as ‘stealth IT’).
SIAM model See ‘Model’.
SIAM structures The four structures describe how the service integrator is sourced: internally, externally, from a lead supplier or as a hybrid.
Software as a Service (SaaS) A cloud service where software is paid for monthly as a subscription rather than purchased as a one-time payment.
Sourcing The procurement approach an organization adopts; for example, sourcing services internally or externally. Adopting SIAM will affect how an organization sources services and the types of contracts it puts in place with service providers.
Structural element Structural elements are teams that have members from different organizations and different SIAM layers. They include boards, process forums and working groups.
Supplier An organization from which the customer receives goods or services.
Tooling strategy Defines what tools will be used, who will own them and how they will support the flow of data and information between the SIAM layers.
Tower See ‘Service provider’.
Watermelon effect (Watermelon reporting) The watermelon effect occurs when a report is ‘green on the outside, red on the inside’. The service provider(s) meet individual targets, but the end-to-end service is not meeting the customer’s requirements.
Working group Working groups are convened to address specific issues or projects. They are typically formed on a reactive ad hoc or fixed-term basis. They can include staff from different organizations and different specialist areas. Working groups are a structural element.

List of acronyms

This list expands the acronyms used in this document.

ADKAR Awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement
Agile SM Agile Service Management
BAU Business as usual
BiSL Business Information Services Library
BoK Body of Knowledge
CALMS Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, Sharing
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CIO Chief Information Officer
CMM(I) Capability Maturity Model (Integration)
COBIT® Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
CSO Chief Security Officer
CTO Chief Technical Officer
EXIN Examination Institute for Information Science
HDI Help Desk Institute
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IFDC International Foundation for Digital Competences
ISACA Information Systems Audit and Control Association
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information technology
ITIL® Information Technology Infrastructure Library
ITO IT outsourcer (or organization)
ITSM IT service management
itSMF Information Technology Service Management Forum
KPI Key performance indicator
LAN Local area network
MSI Multi-sourcing integration
MVP Minimum viable process (or product)
OBASHI Ownership, business processes, applications, systems, hardware and infrastructure
OLA Operational-level agreement
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
PaaS Platform as a Service
RACI Responsible, accountable, consulted and informed
RFI Request for information
RFP Request for proposal
SaaS Software as a Service
SI Service integration
SIAM Service integration and management
SLA Service level agreement
SMAI Service management and integration
SMI Service management integration

Short message service (telephony)

Service management system (ISO)

SVC Service Value Chain
SVS Service Value System
TOGAF The Open Group Architecture Framework
UK United Kingdom
VeriSM Value-driven, Evolving, Responsive, Integrated, Service Management
VVI Voice and VIdeo
WAN Wide area network



30 IT Process Wiki,


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