Two-way data binding

We already mentioned it a number of times as one of the most convenient and widely-known features of Angular, as well as in many other reactive frameworks out there. Nonetheless, before going further, let’s ensure that we know what we’re talking about.

Two-way data binding, also known as two-way binding, means that whenever the Data Model changes, the UI changes accordingly and vice versa. To be more specific, consider the following:

  • Whenever the model is updated, the changes are immediately reflected to the views implementing it
  • Whenever a view is updated, the changes are immediately reflected in the underlying model

From a practical development perspective, two-way data binding will help us a lot, because we won’t have to manually sync the UI components with the Data Model.

The good news is, since we’re using Angular, we’re already set; our application is already equipped with fully-functional two-way data binding between two Angular components that share a data bind via the Quiz interface: the QuizListComponent and the QuizComponent. The magic lies in the way we implemented the [(ngModel)] directive within the QuizComponent template file (relevant lines are highlighted):

<div *ngIf="quiz" class="quiz">
<input [(ngModel)]="quiz.Title" placeholder="Insert the
title..." />
<textarea [(ngModel)]=" quiz.Description"
placeholder="Insert a suitable description..."></textarea>

We can easily check this out by running the application in Debug mode, then selecting a quiz and changing its Title property using the input textbox provided by the QuizComponent. We can easily note how any change will be immediately reflected in the QuizListComponent accordingly:

As we already said, all of these things are happening on the client-side only, so order to persist them through the server Model, we will need to implement a fully-featured Data Source, which is something we will do in the next chapter.

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