Two players, one goal

From the perspective of a fully-functional web-based application, we can say that the web API interface provided with the ASP.NET Core framework is a programmatic set of server-side handlers used by the server to expose a number of hooks and/or endpoints to a defined request-response message system, typically expressed in structured markup languages, such as JSON or XML. As we already said, this is achieved by making good use of the HTTP protocol handled by a publicly-available web server (typically IIS). Similarly, Angular can be described as a modern, feature-rich client-side library that pushes the HTML5 features--along with the modern browser's capabilities--to their full extent by binding the input and/or output parts of an HTML web page into a flexible, reusable, and easily testable JavaScript model.

These assumptions allow us to answer to a simple, yet inevitable question "can we combine the backend strengths of ASP.NET Core's web API with the frontend capabilities of the Angular framework in order to build a modern, feature-rich, and highly versatile web application?

The answer, in short terms, is yes. In the following chapters, we'll see how we can do that by analyzing all the fundamental aspects of a well-written, properly designed web-based product, and how ASP.NET Core and/or Angular can be used to handle each one of them.

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