Client-side debugging

Another great advantage of Observables is that we can use them to debug a good part of the whole Reactive workflow by placing breakpoints within our subscriptions source code. To quickly demonstrate this, just add a Visual Studio breakpoint on our latest subscription, as follows:

Once done, run the project in debug mode and navigate to the QuestionEditComponent; the breakpoint will be hit as soon as the Form Module will be loaded, since the Text control will be updated as well, and also every time we perform a change to that control. Whenever it happens, we'll be able to use all the Visual Studio debugging tools and features that are available on client-side debugging, such as Watch, Local, Immediate Window, Call Stack, and more.

As of today, client-side debugging isn't supported by Microsoft Edge browser; you can do that natively in Internet Explorer and, starting with Visual Studio 2017, Google Chrome. For additional information about client-side debugging with Google Chrome, we strongly suggest that you read the following post on the official MSDN blog:
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