Not your usual "Hello World!"

The application we will build won't be just a shallow demonstration, we won't throw some working code here and there and expect the reader to connect the dots. Our objective is to create a solid, realistic web application using the frameworks we've chosen while following the current development best practices.

Each chapter will be dedicated to a single core aspect; if you feel like you already know your way there, feel free to skip to the next one. Conversely, if you're willing to follow us through the whole loop, you'll have a great journey through the most useful aspects of ASP.NET Core and Angular and how they can work together to deliver the most common and useful web-development tasks, from the most trivial one to the more complex beasts. It's an investment that will pay dividends, as it will leave you with a maintainable, extensible, and well-structured project, plus the knowledge needed to build your own.

To avoid making things too boring, we'll try to pick an enjoyable theme that will also have some usefulness in the real world; do you know anything about personality tests? They are questionnaires designed to reveal aspects of an individual's nature, trace a psychological makeup, or identify similarities with other notable real or fictional characters. The web is nothing less than full of them, featuring the most popular themes from the movie and entertainment industry--which Game of Thrones character are you? Are you a Jedi or a Sith? and so on.

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