ASP.NET Core Module logging

The ASP.NET Core Module logging feature is a new capability brought by the new CLR. However, when it comes to troubleshooting issues, it happens to be the real deal. Activating it is just as easy as opening the web.config file and change the stdoutLogEnabled attribute from false to true in the following way:


<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".TestMakerFreeWebApp_Chapter_10.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".logsstdout">


We also need to manually create a /logs/ folder inside the root application folder on the web server, otherwise the logs won't be generated.

The log folder, location, and filename prefix can be configured by changing the stdoutLogFile attribute value. Remember to manually create the chosen folder whenever you change it and also to grant read/write permissions to the identity used by the Application Pool.
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