
If we remember what we've seen within the Startup.cs file, we already know that it is the controller that all the requests not pointing to static files will be routed to. In other words, HomeController will handle all the requests that point (or get redirected to) our Single-Page Application first landing page, which we'll call Home View from now on.

More specifically, these requests will be handled by the Index action method. If we open the HomeController.cs file, we can see that the method does indeed exist, although being extremely lightweight--a single line of code that just returns the default Index View. That's more than enough; there's nothing to add there, as this is precisely what we need for a Single-Page Application entry page--just serve the Home View and let the client-side framework, Angular via Webpack, in our scenario, handle the rest.

The only exception for such behavior will be when we need to route the user away from the SPA, for example, when he's hitting an unrecoverable error. For these kinds of scenarios, an Error() action method was also implemented within the HomeController, which returns a dedicated Error View; however, before doing that, it will add some basic debug information to the ViewData collection (the current request unique identifier). This level of error handling is far from ideal, but we can live with it for the time being.

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