The /Views/ folder

A quick look at the /Views/ folder is more than enough, as the view files merely contain the least possible amount of required code:

  • A minimalistic HTML5 skeleton to host the <head> and <body> elements, along with some child elements, such as the <title> page
  • Some <script> and <link> elements pointing to the local paths where the Webpack bundles will be built
  • The <app> element, which is the DOM placeholder used by Angular to inject the SPA into

Those who are used to the ASP.NET MVC and Razor convention can easily see how the template did a good job in putting all the common HTML structure in the Layout view (the _Layout.cshtml file), leaving the Index and Error views as lightweight as possible. The result is stunning and also very easy to read--the whole HTML base structure is comprised within a few lines of Razor and HTML code.

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