The /ClientApp/app/ folder

The /ClientApp/app/ folder loosely follows the Angular folder structure best practices, thus containing the following:

  • A /component/ folder, containing all the Angular components. We will talk more about them in Chapter 3, Frontend with Angular; for now, we'll just say that these are the building UI blocks of any Angular application, to the point that we can say that it is basically a tree of components working together. Each component has its very own namespace, which is represented with a subfolder, and comes with the following:
    • A required TypeScript file, which follows the <componentName>.component.ts naming conventions
    • An optional HTML file containing the component template, or (in other words) its UI layout structure
    • An optional CSS file to handle the UI styling
    • Other optional files, such as the counter.component.spec.ts in the /components/counter/ folder, which can be used whenever we need to split the component code into multiple files for readability or code reuse purposes
  • Three TypeScript files: app.module.browser.ts, app.module.server.ts, and app.module.shared.ts containing the Angular root module class, also known as the AppModule.

If you already have some Angular experience, you most likely know what the AppModule is and how it works. If you don't, the only thing you need to understand is that it serves as the main application entry point, the one that gets bootstrapped by the boot file(s) we talked about earlier.

Here's a schema of the standard Angular Initialization Cycle that will help us better visualize how it works:

As we can see, the boot.ts file bootstraps the app.module.ts (AppModule), which then loads the app.component.ts file (AppComponent); the latter will then load all the other components whenever the application needs them.

We can find such structure in any Angular application, it being the default initialization behavior enforced by the project developers. However, the Angular SPA template we've chosen features a slightly more complex scenario because, as we said earlier, it also supports Server-Side Rendering; for this very reason, it needs to take care of the server-side part as well. This is why we got two very different boot files --boot.browser.ts and boot.server.ts, respectively--to load our app into the browser and to support Server-Side Rendering, and also two different AppModule classes to boot: the app.module.browser.ts and app.module.server.ts, both of them including the common app.module.shared.ts file.

Here's the improved schema when using SSR:

All these files will then be processed by Webpack and built in the /wwwroot/dist/main-client.js and /ClientApp/dist/main-server.js files, which will contain the "bundled" version of our Angular app, respectively, for Client-Side and Server-Side rendering.

That's about it, at least for now. If you feel like you're still missing something here, don't worry, we'll be back there soon enough to understand all of this better.

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