Programmatically building entity body links using JAX-RS APIs

Before getting into the declarative offerings from the Jersey framework to build HATEOAS APIs, let's see what is there in the JAX-RS API specification for solving this use case. JAX-RS 2.1 has the basic API support for representing hypermedia links with resources.

Let's take an example to understand the APIs provided by JAX-RS for building resource links. Consider the following REST resource class method, which returns a list of department resources:

//Rest of the code is omitted for brevity 
public List<Department> findAllDeprtments(){ 
  //Finds all departments from database 
  List<Department> departments = findAllDepartmentEntities(); 
  return departments; 

Let's see how we can add hypermedia links for accessing employee resources in each department resource representation returned by the preceding method. This link can be traversed by a client to read the employees for a department. To add a link, you use the API. The entity provider components that come with the JAX-RS implementation will automatically convert the links to the appropriate media type representation at runtime:

//Other imports are omitted for brevity 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter; 
public class Department { 
    private Short departmentId; 
    private String departmentName; 
    private Integer managerId; 
    private Short locationId; 
    Link employeesLink; 
    @XmlElement(name = "link") 
    public Link getEmployeesLink() { 
        employeesLink = Link.fromUri("{id}/employees") 
        return employeesLink; 
 //Rest of the getters and setters are omitted for brevity 

Here is a quick overview of the APIs used in this example:

  • In the preceding code snippet, the Link.fromUri() method call creates a new hypermedia link builder object, which is an instance of This Builder instance is used for building hypermedia links.
  • The rel() method on the Builder instance lets you set the name for the link field present in the resource. This example sets the link relation as employees.
  • You can also set certain attributes on a link object, such as the media type, title, or parameter, by calling the respective methods, such as type(), title(), or param(), defined on the Builder instance.
  • The final build() method results in building the hypermedia link with the supplied values. In this example, the build() method will replace the param {id} template present in the URI, with the supplied departmentId parameter.

Here is the sample JSON representation generated for the Department resource that we discussed in this example:

"locationId":1700,"managerId":200} ...] 
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