Understanding the OAuth 1.0 protocol

The OAuth protocol specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party applications to access their server resources without sharing their credentials.

Consider a scenario where Jane (the user of an application) wants to let an application access her private data, which is stored in a third-party service provider. Before OAuth 1.0 or other similar open source protocols, such as Google AuthSub and FlickrAuth, if Jane wanted to let a consumer service use her data stored on some third-party service provider, she would need to give her user credentials to the consumer service to access data from the third-party service via appropriate service calls. Instead of Jane passing her login information to multiple consumer applications, OAuth 1.0 solves this problem by letting the consumer applications request authorization from the service provider on Jane's behalf. Jane does not divulge her login information; authorization is granted from the service provider, where both her data and credentials are stored. The consumer application (or consumer service) only receives an authorization token that can be used to access data from the service provider. Note that the user (Jane) has full control of the transaction and can invalidate the authorization token at any time during the signup process, or even after the two services have been used together.

The typical example used to explain OAuth 1.0 is that of a service provider that stores pictures on the web (let's call the service StorageInc) and a fictional consumer service that is a picture printing service (let's call the service PrintInc). On its own, PrintInc is a full-blown web service, but it does not offer picture storage; its business is only printing pictures. For convenience, PrintInc has created a web service that lets its users download their pictures from StorageInc for printing.

This is what happens when a user (the resource owner) decides to use PrintInc (the client application) to print his/her images stored in StorageInc (the service provider):

  1. The user creates an account in PrintInc. Let's call the user Jane, to keep things simple.
  2. PrintInc asks whether Jane wants to use her pictures stored in StorageInc and presents a link to get the authorization to download her pictures (the protected resources). Jane is the resource owner here.
  3. Jane decides to let PrintInc connect to StorageInc on her behalf and clicks on the authorization link.
  1. Both PrintInc and StorageInc have implemented the OAuth protocol, so StorageInc asks Jane whether she wants to let PrintInc use her pictures. If she says yes, then StorageInc asks Jane to provide her username and password. Note, however, that her credentials are being used at StorageInc's site and PrintInc has no knowledge of her credentials.
  2. Once Jane provides her credentials, StorageInc passes PrintInc an authorization token, which is stored as a part of Jane's account on PrintInc.
  3. Now, we are back at PrintInc's web application, and Jane can now print any of her pictures stored in StorageInc's web service.
  4. Finally, every time Jane wants to print more pictures, all she needs to do is come back to PrintInc's website and download her pictures from StorageInc without providing the username and password again, as she has already authorized these two web services to exchange data on her behalf.

The preceding example clearly portrays the authorization flow in OAuth 1.0 protocol. Before getting deeper into OAuth 1.0, here is a brief overview of the common terminologies and roles that we saw in this example:

  • Client (consumer): This refers to an application (service) that tries to access a protected resource on behalf of the resource owner and with the resource owner's consent. A client can be a business service, mobile, web, or desktop application. In the previous example, PrintInc is the client application.
  • Server (service provider): This refers to an HTTP server that understands the OAuth protocol. It accepts and responds to the requests authenticated with the OAuth protocol from various client applications (consumers). If you relate this with the previous example, StorageInc is the service provider.
  • Protected resource: Protected resources are resources hosted on servers (the service providers) that are access-restricted. The server validates all incoming requests and grants access to the resource, as appropriate.
  • Resource owner: This refers to an entity capable of granting access to a protected resource. Mostly, it refers to an end user who owns the protected resource. In the previous example, Jane is the resource owner.
  • Consumer key and secret (client credentials): These two strings are used to identify and authenticate the client application (the consumer) making the request.
  • Request token (temporary credentials): This is a temporary credential provided by the server when the resource owner authorizes the client application to use the resource. As the next step, the client will send this request token to the server to get authorized. On successful authorization, the server returns an access token. The access token is explained next.
  • Access token (token credentials): The server returns an access token to the client when the client submits the temporary credentials obtained from the server during the resource grant approval by the user. The access token is a string that identifies a client that requests for protected resources. Once the access token is obtained, the client passes it along with each resource request to the server. The server can then verify the identity of the client by checking this access token.

The following sequence diagram shows the interactions between the various parties involved in the OAuth 1.0 protocol:

You can get more information about the OAuth 1.0 protocol at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849, which is their official website.
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