Understanding the OAuth 2.0 protocol

OAuth 2.0 is the latest release of the OAuth protocol, mainly focused on simplifying the client-side development. Note that OAuth 2.0 is a completely new protocol, and this release is not backwards-compatible with OAuth 1.0. It offers specific authorization flows for web applications, desktop applications, mobile phones, and living room devices. The following are some of the major improvements in OAuth 2.0, as compared to the previous release:

  • The complexity involved in signing each request: OAuth 1.0 mandates that the client must generate a signature on every API call to the server resource using the token secret. On the receiving end, the server must regenerate the same signature, and the client will be given access only if both the signatures match. OAuth 2.0 requires neither the client nor the server to generate any signature for securing the messages. Security is enforced via the use of TLS/SSL (HTTPS) for all communication.
  • Addressing non-browser client applications: Many features of OAuth 1.0 are designed by considering the way a web client application interacts with the inbound and outbound messages. This has proven to be inefficient while using it with non-browser clients such as on-device mobile applications. OAuth 2.0 addresses this issue by accommodating more authorization flows suitable for specific client needs that do not use any web UI, such as on-device (native) mobile applications or API services. This makes the protocol very flexible.
  • The separation of roles: OAuth 2.0 clearly defines the roles for all parties involved in the communication, such as the client, resource owner, resource server, and authorization server. The specification is clear on which parts of the protocol are expected to be implemented by the resource owner, authorization server, and resource server.
  • The short-lived access token: Unlike in the previous version, the access token in OAuth 2.0 can contain an expiration time, which improves the security and reduces the chances of illegal access.
  • The refresh token: OAuth 2.0 offers a refresh token that can be used for getting a new access token on the expiry of the current one, without going through the entire authorization process again.

Before we get into the details of OAuth 2.0, let's take a quick look at how OAuth 2.0 defines roles for each party involved in the authorization process. Though you might have seen similar roles while discussing OAuth 1.0 in last section, it does not clearly define which part of the protocol is expected to be implemented by each one:

  • The resource owner: This refers to an entity capable of granting access to a protected resource. In a real-life scenario, this can be an end user who owns the resource.
  • The resource server: This hosts the protected resources. The resource server validates and authorizes the incoming requests for the protected resource by contacting the authorization server.
  • The client (consumer): This refers to an application that tries to access protected resources on behalf of the resource owner. It can be a business service, mobile, web, or desktop application.
  • Authorization server: This, as the name suggests, is responsible for authorizing the client that needs access to a resource. After successful authentication, the access token is issued to the client by the authorization server. In a real-life scenario, the authorization server may be either the same as the resource server or a separate entity altogether. The OAuth 2.0 specification does not really enforce anything on this part.

It would be interesting to learn how these entities talk with each other to complete the authorization flow. The following is a quick summary of the authorization flow in a typical OAuth 2.0 implementation:

Let's understand the diagram in more detail:

  1. The client application requests authorization to access the protected resources from the resource owner (user). The client can either directly make the authorization request to the resource owner or via the authorization server by redirecting the resource owner to the authorization server endpoint.
  2. The resource owner authenticates and authorizes the resource access request from the client application and returns the authorization grant to the client. The authorization grant type returned by the resource owner depends on the type of client application that tries to access the OAuth protected resource. Note that the OAuth 2.0 protocol defines four types of grants in order to authorize access to protected resources. To learn more about grant types, please take a look at the Understanding the grant types in OAuth 2.0 section.
  3. The client application requests an access token from the authorization server by passing the authorization grant along with other details for authentication, such as the client ID, client secret, and grant type.
  4. On successful authentication, the authorization server issues an access token (and, optionally, a refresh token) to the client application.
  5. The client application requests the protected resource (RESTful web API) from the resource server by presenting the access token for authentication.
  6. On successful authentication of the client request, the resource server returns the requested resource.

The sequence of interaction that we just discussed is of a very high level. Depending upon the grant type used by the client, the details of the interaction may change. The following section will help you understand the basics of grant types.

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