Understanding the grant types in OAuth 2.0

Grant types in the OAuth 2.0 protocol are, in essence, different ways to authorize access to protected resources using different security credentials (for each type). The OAuth 2.0 protocol defines four types of grants, as listed here; each can be used in different scenarios, as appropriate:

  • Authorization code: This is obtained from the authentication server instead of directly requesting it from the resource owner. In this case, the client directs the resource owner to the authorization server, which returns the authorization code to the client. This is very similar to OAuth 1.0, except that the cryptographic signing of messages is not required in OAuth 2.0.
  • Implicit: This grant is a simplified version of the authorization code grant type flow. In the implicit grant flow, the client is issued an access token directly as the result of the resource owner's authorization. This is less secure, as the client is not authenticated. This is commonly used for client-side devices, such as mobile, where the client credentials cannot be stored securely.
  • Resource owner password credentials: The resource owner's credentials, such as username and password, are used by the client for directly obtaining the access token during the authorization flow. The access code is used thereafter for accessing resources. This grant type is only used with trusted client applications. This is suitable for legacy applications that use the HTTP basic authentication to incrementally transition to OAuth 2.0.
  • Client credentials: These are used directly for getting access tokens. This grant type is used when the client is also the resource owner. This is commonly used for embedded services and backend applications, where the client has an account (direct access rights).
A very detailed discussion of the authorization flow for each grant type in OAuth 2.0 is not in the scope of this book. You can learn more about OAuth 2.0 at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749.
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