An overview of Swagger APIs

The Swagger framework consists of many sub projects in the Git repository (, each built with a specific purpose. Here is a quick summary of the key projects:

  • swagger-spec: This repository contains the Swagger specification and the project in general.
  • swagger-ui: This project is an interactive tool to display and execute the Swagger specification files. It is based on swagger-js (the JavaScript library).
  • swagger-editor: This project allows you to edit the YAML files. It is released as a part of Swagger 2.0.
  • swagger-core: This project provides the scala and java library to generate the Swagger specifications directly from code. It supports JAX-RS, the Servlet APIs, and the Play framework.
  • swagger-codegen: This project provides a tool that can read the Swagger specification files and generate the client and server code that consumes and produces the specifications.

In the next section, you will learn how to use the swagger-core project offerings to generate the Swagger file for a JAX-RS application.

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