IoT benefits

The IoT platform is seen as the latest evolution of the internet, offering various benefits as shown here:

The IoT is becoming widely used due to lowering cost of technologies such as cheap sensors, cheap hardware,  and low cost of high bandwidth network.

The connected human is the most visible outcome of the IoT revolution. People are connected to the IoT through various means such as Wearables, Hearables, Nearables, and so on, which can be used to improve the lifestyle, health, and wellbeing of human beings:

  • Wearables: Wearables are any form of sophisticated, computer- like technology which can be worn or carried by a person, such as smart watches, fitness devices, and so on.
  • Hearables: Hearables are wireless computing earpieces, such as headphones.
  • Nearables: Nearables are smart objects with computing devices attached to them, such as door locks, car locks, and so on. Unlike Wearables or Hearables, Nearables are static.

Also, in the healthcare industry, the IoT-enabled devices can be used to monitor patients' heart rate or diabetes. Smart pills and nanobots could eventually replace surgery and reduce the risk of complications.

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