Social media platforms

Social media platforms are based on Web 2.0 technology which serves as the interactive medium for collaboration, communication, and sharing among users. We can classify social media platforms broadly based on their usage as follows:

Social networking services

Platforms where people manage their social circles and interact with each other, such as Facebook.

Social bookmarking services

Allows one to save, organize, and manage links to various resource over the internet, such as StumbleUpon.

Social media news

Platform that allows people to post news or articles, such as reddit.

Blogging services

Platform where users can exchange their comments on views, such as Twitter.

Document sharing services

Platform that lets you share your documents, such as SlideShare.

Media sharing services

Platform that lets you share media contents, such as YouTube.

Crowd sourcing services

Obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people or an online community, such as Ushahidi.

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