Querying data

OData supports various kinds of query options as query parameters. For instance, $orderby can be used for sorting the query results. Here is an example:

GET http://localhost:8080/hrapp/odata/Departments?$orderby= 
DepartmentName HTTP/1.1

Similarly, you can use the $select option for limiting the attributes on the entity resources returned by a REST API. Here is an example:

GET http://localhost:8080/hrapp/odata/Departments? 
$orderby=DepartmentName&$select=DepartmentName,ManagerId HTTP/1.1 

Some of the frequently used query options are listed in the following table:

Query Option




This option allows the client to filter a collection of resources.

/Employees? $filter=FirstName

eq 'Jobinesh'


This option includes the specified (child) resource in line with the retrieved resources.

/Departments(10)?$expand= Employees


This option includes the supplied attributes alone in the resulting entity.




This option sorts the query result by one or more attributes.


DepartmentName desc


This option returns only the specified number of items (from the top) in the result collection.



This option indicates how many items need to be skipped from the top while returning the result.



This option indicates the total number of items in the result.


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