
Server-sent events compete with the more powerful WebSocket technology which supports bi-directional communication. WebSocket which has been standardized by the IETF is another example for message-oriented, publish-subscribe communication. It was intended to be used in browser-based applications, but can be used for any client-server exchange of messages. WebSocket usually uses the same ports as the HTTP endpoints, but with its own TCP-based protocol.

WebSocket is supported in Java EE as part of the Java API for WebSocket. It includes server, and client-side support.

The programming model for server-side endpoint definitions again matches the overall Java EE picture. Endpoints can be defined using a programmatic or declarative, annotation-driven approach. The latter defines annotations that are added on endpoint classes, similar to the programming model of JAX-RS resources:

import javax.websocket.*;
import javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint;

@ServerEndpoint(value = "/chat", decoders = ChatMessageDecoder.class, encoders = ChatMessageEncoder.class)
public class ChatServer {

    ChatHandler chatHandler;

    public void openSession(Session session) {

    public void onMessage(ChatMessage message, Session session) {

    public void closeSession(Session session) {

The annotated methods of the server endpoint class will be called on initiated sessions, arriving messages and closing connections, respectively. The sessions represent the conversation between two endpoints.

WebSocket endpoints can define decoders and encoders, respectively, in order to map custom Java types to binary or plain text data and vice versa. This example specifies a custom type for chat messages which is mapped using custom decoders and encoders. Similar to JAX-RS, WebSocket ships with default serialization capabilities for usual serializable Java types such as strings. The following code demonstrates an encoder for our custom domain type:

import javax.websocket.EncodeException;
import javax.websocket.Encoder;
import javax.websocket.EndpointConfig;

public class ChatMessageEncoder implements Encoder.Binary<ChatMessage> {

    public ByteBuffer encode(ChatMessage object) throws EncodeException {


These types correspond to the MessageBodyWriter and MessageBodyReader types in the JAX-RS standard. The following shows the corresponding message decoder:

import javax.websocket.DecodeException;
import javax.websocket.Decoder;
import javax.websocket.EndpointConfig;

public class ChatMessageDecoder implements Decoder.Binary<ChatMessage> {

    public ChatMessage decode(ByteBuffer bytes) throws DecodeException {


Client endpoints are defined similarly to server endpoints. The difference is that only WebSocket servers listen to new connection on a path.

The client functionality of the WebSocket API can not only be used in an enterprise environment, but also in Java SE applications. The same is true for JAX-RS on the client-side. Implementing a WebSocket client endpoint is left as an exercise to the reader.

WebSocket, as well as server-sent events, offers well-integrated, message-oriented technologies. What applications choose to use, of course, highly depends on the business requirements, existing environments, and the nature of the communication.

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