
Java EE 8 brings with it a load of features, mainly targeting newer architectures such as microservices, modernized security APIs, and cloud deployments. This book will teach you to design and develop modern, business-oriented applications using Java EE 8. It shows how to structure systems and applications, and how design patterns and Domain-Driven Design aspects are realized in the age of Java EE 8. You will learn about the concepts and principles behind Java EE applications and how they affect communication, persistence, technical and cross-cutting concerns, and asynchronous behavior.

This book focuses on solving business problems and meeting customer demands in the enterprise world. It covers how to create enterprise applications with reasonable technology choices, free of cargo-cult and over-engineering. The aspects shown in this book not only demonstrate how to realize a certain solution, but also explain its motivation and reasoning.

With the help of this book, you will understand the principles of modern Java EE and how to realize effective architectures. You will gain knowledge of how to design enterprise software in the age of automation, Continuous Delivery, and cloud platforms. You will also learn about the reasoning and motivation behind state-of-the-art enterprise Java technology, which focuses on business.

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