Breaking timeouts and circuits

Clients that perform synchronous calls to external systems block the subsequent execution until the external system responds. Invocations may fail, slow down the execution, or in the worst case effectively bring the whole application down. It's crucial to keep this fact in mind when implementing clients.

First of all client connections should always set reasonable timeouts, as shown similarly in Chapter 3, Implementing Modern Java Enterprise Applications. Timeouts prevent the application from deadlock situations.

As seen before, Java EE interceptors can be used to prevent potential runtime exceptions from propagating into the business logic.

So-called circuit breakers take this approach of preventing cascading failure further. They secure client invocations by defining error or timeout thresholds and prevent further invocations in case of failure. The circuit breaker approach comes from the model of electrical engineering, circuit breakers built into buildings, that intercept the connection by opening their circuits to prevent further damage.

A client circuit breaker similarly opens its circuit, that is, preventing further invocations, to not damage the application or the external system. Circuit breakers usually allow errors and timeouts to happen up to a certain degree and then cutting the connections for a certain time, or until the circuit is manually closed again.

Java EE applications can implement circuit breakers via interceptors. They can add sophisticated logic on when and how to open and close their circuits, for example, measuring the number of failures and timeouts.

The following demonstrates one possible circuit breaker approach in pseudo code. The interceptor behavior is annotated to a client method, similarly to client interceptor examples demonstrated earlier in this book:

public class CircuitBreaker {


    public Object aroundInvoke(InvocationContext context) {

        // close circuit after recovery time

        if (circuit.isOpen())
            return null;

        try {
            return context.proceed();
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // record exception
            // increase failure counter
            // open circuit if failure exceeds threshold

            return null;

Similarly, the circuit breaker could measure the service time and open its circuit if the service becomes too slow, additionally to HTTP client timeouts.

There are some open source Java EE libraries available for this purpose, for example Breakr by Java EE expert Adam Bien. It depends on the technical requirements and the complexity of the logic, when to open and close the circuit, and whether third-party dependencies are required.

In order to build zero-dependency applications, potential libraries should be installed into the container and not shipped with the application artifacts.

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