Delegate security concerns

In terms of storing user information, today's approach is to delegate authentication and authorization to security providers if possible. This means that an enterprise application doesn't store security information, but asks a third-party, a trusted security provider.

This is especially interesting in distributed environments, where multiple applications offer potential endpoints to the outside world. The secure information moves to a single point of responsibility.

Security concerns are usually not a part of the core business logic. The application will ask the trusted security provider system to validate the security of user requests. The security provider acts as a secure single point of responsibility.

There are decentralized security protocols, such as OAuth or OpenID, that implement this approach.

Delegating the responsibility to a trusted security provider eliminates the need to share passwords within enterprise systems. Users identify directly against security providers. Applications that require security information about a user will be provided session tokens that do not directly contain confidential data.

This principle, however, mainly targets communication that includes application users as persons.

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