Motivations in enterprise development

As we have seen several times in this book, engineering teams should follow the right motivations when developing software. The main focus of enterprise systems should be on their business motivations. The domain and business use cases of applications need to be clear, before they can deliver value to their customers. At the end of the day, working software that accomplishes business functionality is what generates revenue.

A helpful question that developers can ask themselves over time is: Is what we're doing helping to solve the business problem?

Software that aims to meet a customer's demands therefore mainly focuses on fulfilling business uses cases. Technology that fulfills a subordinate necessity, such as communication, persistence, or distribution, comes second. The chosen solutions should aim to solve the business demands first.

Therefore, technology, programming languages and frameworks ideally support the implementation of use cases without too much overhead. The team of engineers is advised to choose technology that they are productive and familiar with, but that also fits this requirement.

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