Software structures

The software project organizes the source code in certain structures. In Java projects, we have the possibility to cluster components and responsibilities into Java packages and project modules, respectively:

Structuring these components is obviously less a technical rather than an architectural necessity. Code that is packaged arbitrarily would technically run equally well. However, this structure helps engineers understanding the software and its responsibilities. By clustering software components that fulfill coherent features, we increase cohesion and achieve a better organization of the source code.

This and the next chapter will discuss the benefits of Domain-Driven Design, described in the book by Eric Evans, and the why and how to organize code in business-driven packages. For now, let's record that we group coherent components that form logical features into logical packages or project modules.

Java SE 9 comes with the possibility of shipping modules as Java 9 modules. These modules are, in essence, similar to the JAR files with the ability to declare dependencies and usages restrictions of other modules. Since this book is targeted for Java EE 8 and since the fact that the usage of Java 9 modules hasn't spread yet in real-world projects, we will cover only Java packages and project modules.

Breaking the structure of software projects further down, the next smaller unit of software components is a Java class. Classes and the responsibilities thereof encapsulate single functionalities in the domain. They are ideally loosely coupled and show a high cohesion.

A lot has been written about clean code practices and representing functionality in source code. The book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin, for example, explains methods such as proper naming or refactoring, that help achieve well-crafted source code in packages, classes and methods.

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