Client-side templating

Imagine a case where the web application, after loading the page, makes an API call via AJAX and gets a JSON response in return. How will it render the data it received into its corresponding HTML? Client-side templates are required in this case to keep our JavaScript code neat and clean, or else we will end up putting too much unreadable HTML code as strings inside the JavaScript code. Client-side templating frameworks allow us to dump the templates corresponding to the components of a page in the markup inside specific tags and render them via JavaScript code whenever necessary. The common disadvantage of following a client-side approach is the impact it has on the initial render time of this page.

Another important advantage of using client-side templating is that it helps to offload the templating effort from the server to the client. This helps to reduce the computational load on your server to a great extent, as the templating logic is executed only in the browser via JavaScript.

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