Embedding presentation logic

Of course, there's a lot more that you can do than just this! Handlebars also supports conditional statements:

    let model = { 
      name: 'World', 
      description: 'This will only appear because its set.' 
       Hello {{ name }}!<br/><br/> 
      {{#if description}} 

Using an if block helper, as shown in the preceding code, you can check for true conditionals and only display HTML and/or data if the condition is true. Alternatively, you can use the unless helper to do the opposite and display HTML only if a condition is false:

    let model = { 
      name: 'World' 
       Hello {{ name }}!<br/><br/> 
      {{#unless description}} 
         <p>NOTE: no description found.</p> 

You can use both if and else as well as unless the same way you would use conditional if/else in other programming languages. So that's it! These were all the basics that we need to know to resume our application.

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