Windows 7/Windows 8 installation instructions

After completing the download, the MongoDB website will automatically redirect you to a landing page with a link to a Windows Quick Start guide at:

It is highly recommended that you follow that guide, as it will be the most up-to-date and will generally be more detailed than what I can provide here.

Extract the ZIP file that was downloaded to the root c: destination. By default, this should extract a folder named MongoDB-osx-x86_64-2.4.9. Depending on the tool you are using for extraction, you can leave this as it is or change the destination folder to simply MongoDB. If you don't change the destination during extraction, you should rename the folder once it is complete. Either way, be sure that the files that are extracted reside in a folder named c:MongoDB.

Next, you need to create a default data folder, which MongoDB will use to store all the data documents. Using Windows Explorer or Command Prompt, whichever you are most comfortable with, create the c:data folder and then c:datadb by using the following command:

    $ md data
    $ md datadb

Once the files have been properly extracted to the c:MongoDB folder and both the data folders subsequently created, you can then start the MongoDB database server by executing the following command from a prompt:

$ c:MongoDBinmongod.exe

This should dump a bunch of log statements while the server starts up, but will ultimately end with:

2017-08-04T10:10:47.853+0530 I NETWORK [thread1] waiting for connections on port 27017

That's it! Your MongoDB server is up and running. You can type Ctrl-C to cancel and shut down the server.

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