Introducing es6

The es6, or ECMAScript, 2015 is a JavaScript language update for all types, values, object literals, properties, functions, and program syntaxes. The whole new semantics of es6 (which is similar to other languages like Java, C#, and so on) invites cross-platform developers to learn JavaScript with ease. Not only it improve the languages in syntactical aspects, it also provides new inbuilt tools, such as promises, proper tail calls, destructuring, modules, and so on. As we have already installed Node version 8, all the ECMAScript 6 features or es2017 till date are inclusive. If you are using a Node version less than 4.3.2, you will need to install trans-compilation tools like babel.js. We will be learning es6 by making a gradual implementation in code and a comparative study as well.

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