Inserting data

Since we are working with the chapter3 database, which is a brand new database, there are currently no collections in it. You can use any collection (table) you want by simply referring to a new collection name with the db object:

> db.newCollection.find() 

Performing a find operation on an empty collection simply returns nothing. Let's insert some data so we can experiment with some queries:

> db.newCollection.insert({ name: 'Jason Krol', website: 
'' }) > db.newCollection.find().pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("5338b749dc8738babbb5a45a"), "name" : "Jason Krol", "website" : "" }

After we perform a simple insertion (basically of a JavaScript JSON object), we will perform another find operation on the collection and get our new record returned, this time with an additional _id field added. The _id field is Mongo's method for tracking a unique identifier for every document (record). We also chained the pretty() function to the end of the find(), which outputs the results a little more nicely.

Go ahead and insert a few more records, so you have some data to play with for the next section when we go over querying.

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