Chapter 5. Custom Facts and Modules

We created and used modules up to this point when we installed and configured tuned using the is_virtual fact. We created a module called virtual in the process. Modules are nothing more than organizational tools, manifests, and plugin files that are grouped together.

We mentioned pluginsync in the previous chapter. By default, in Puppet 3.0 and higher, plugins in modules are synchronized from the master to the nodes. Plugins are special directories in modules that contain Ruby code.

Plugins are contained within the /lib subdirectory of a module, and there can be four possible subdirectories defined: files, manifests, templates, and lib. The manifests directory holds our manifests, as we know files has our files, templates has the templates, and lib is where we extend Augeas, Hiera, Facter, and/or Puppet depending on the files we place there.


You may also see a spec directory in modules downloaded from Puppet Forge. This directory holds the files used in testing Puppet code.

In this chapter, we will cover how to use the modulename/lib/facter directory to create custom facts, and in subsequent chapters, we will see how to use the /lib/puppet directory to create custom types.

The structure of a module is shown in the following diagram:

Custom Facts and Modules

A module is a directory within the modulepath setting of Puppet, which is searched when a module is included by name in a node manifest. If the module name is base and our modulepath is $codedir/environments/$environment/modules:$codedir/environments/$environment/dist:$codedir/environments/production/modules, then the search is done as follows (assuming codedir is /etc/puppetlabs/code):


Module manifest files

Each module is expected to have an init.pp file defined, which has the top-level class definition; in the case of our base example, init.pp is expected to contain class base { }.

Now, if we include base::subitem in our node manifest, then the file that Puppet will search for will be base/manifests/subitem.pp, and that file should contain class base::subitem { }.

It is also possible to have subdirectories of the manifests directory defined to split up the manifests even more. As a rule, a manifest within a module should only contain a single class. If we wish to define base::subitem::subsetting, then the file will be base/manifests/subitem/subsetting.pp, and it would contain class base::subitem::subsetting { }.

Naming your files correctly means that they will be loaded automatically when needed, and you won't have to use the import function (the import function is deprecated in version 3 and completely removed in version 4). By creating multiple subclasses, it becomes easy to separate a module into its various components; this is important later when you need to include only parts of the module in another module. As an example, say we have a database system called judy, and judy requires the judy-server package to run. The judy service requires the users judy and judyadm to run. Users judy and judyadm require the judygrp group, and they all require a filesystem to contain the database. We will split up these various tasks into separate manifests. We'll sketch the contents of this fictional module, as follows:

  • In judy/manifests/groups.pp, we'll have the following code:
    class judy::groups {
      group {'judygrp': }
  • In judy/manifests/users.pp, we'll have the following code:
    class judy::users {
      include judy::groups
      user {'judy': 
        require => Group['judygrp']
      user {'judyadm':
        require => Group['judygrp']
  • In judy/manifests/packages.pp, we'll have the following code:
    class judy::packages {
      package {'judy-server': 
        require => User['judy','judyadm']
  • In judy/manifests/filesystem.pp, we'll have the following code:
    class judy::filesystem {
      lvm {'/opt/judy': 
        require => File['/opt/judy']
      file {'/opt/judy': }
  • Finally, our service starts from judy/manifests/service.pp:
    class judy::service {
      service {'judy': 
        require => [

Now, we can include each one of these components separately, and our node can contain judy::packages or judy::service without using the entire judy module. We will define our top level module (init.pp) to include all these components, as shown here:

class judy {
  include judy::users
  include judy::group
  include judy::packages
  include judy::filesystem
  include judy::service

Thus, a node that uses include judy will receive all of those classes, but if we have a node that only needs the judy and judyadm users, then we need to include only judy::users in the code.

Module files and templates

Transferring files with Puppet is something that is best done within modules. When you define a file resource, you can either use content => "something" or you can push a file from the Puppet master using source. For example, using our judy database, we can have judy::config with the following file definition:

class judy::config {
  file {'/etc/judy/judy.conf':
    source => 'puppet:///modules/judy/judy.conf'

Now, Puppet will search for this file in the [modulepath]/judy/files directory. It is also possible to add full paths and have your module mimic the filesystem. Hence, the previous source line will be changed to source => 'puppet:///modules/judy/etc/judy/judy.conf', and the file will be found at [modulepath]/judy/files/etc/judy/judy.conf.

The puppet:/// URI source line mentioned earlier has three backslashes; optionally, the name of a puppetserver may appear between the second and third backslash. If this field is left blank, the puppetserver that performs the catalog compilation will be used to retrieve the file. You can alternatively specify the server using source => 'puppet://'.


Having files that come from specific puppetservers can make maintenance difficult. If you change the name of your puppetserver, you have to change all references to that name as well. Puppet is not ideal for transferring large files, if you need to move large files onto your machines, consider using the native packaging system of your client nodes.

Templates are searched in a similar fashion. In this example, to specify the template in judy/templates, you will use content =>template('judy/template.erb') to have Puppet look for the template in your modules' templates directory. For example, another config file for judy can be defined, as follows:

file {'/etc/judy/judyadm.conf':
  content => template('judy/judyadm.conf.erb')

Puppet will look for the 'judy/judyadm.conf.erb' file at [modulepath]/judy/templates/judyadm.conf.erb. We haven't covered the Embedded Ruby (ERB) templates up to this point; templates are files that are parsed according to the ERB syntax rules. If you need to distribute a file where you need to change some settings based on variables, then a template can help. The ERB syntax is covered in detail at Puppet 4 (and Puppet 3 with the future parser enabled) supports EPP templates as well. EPP templates are Embedded Puppet templates that use Puppet language syntax rather than Ruby.


ERB templates were used by many people to overcome the inability to perform iteration with Puppet. EPP is the newer templating engine that doesn't rely on Ruby. EPP is the currently recommended templating engine. If you are starting from scratch, I would recommend using EPP syntax templates.

Modules can also include custom facts, as we've already seen in this chapter. Using the lib subdirectory, it is possible to modify both Facter and Puppet. In the next section, we will discuss module implementations in a large organization before writing custom modules.

Naming a module

Modules must begin with a lowercase letter and only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) symbol. No other characters should be used. While writing modules that will be shared across the organization, use names that are obvious and won't interfere with other groups' modules or modules from the Forge. A good rule of thumb is to insert your corporation's name at the beginning of the module name and, possibly, your group name.


While uploading to the Forge, your Forge username will be prepended to the module (username-modulename).

While designing modules, each module should have a specific purpose and not pull in manifests from other modules and each one of them should be autonomous. Classes should be used within the module to organize functionality. For instance, a module named example_foo installs a package and configures a service. Now, separating these two functions and their supporting resources into two classes, example_foo::pkg and example_foo::svc, will make it easier to find the code you need to work on, when you need to modify these different components. In addition, when you have all the service accounts and groups in another file, it makes it easier to find them, as well.

Creating modules with a Puppet module

To start with a simple example, we will use Puppet's module command to generate empty module files with comments. The module name will be example_phpmyadmin, and the generate command expects the generated argument to be [our username]-[module name]; thus, using our sample developer, samdev, the argument will be samdev-example_phpmyadmin, as shown here:

[samdev@stand ~]$ cd control/dist/
[samdev@standdist]$ puppet module generate samdev-example_phpmyadmin
We need to create a metadata.json file for this module.  Please answer the
following questions; if the question is not applicable to this module, feel free
to leave it blank.

Puppet uses Semantic Versioning ( to version modules.
What version is this module?  [0.1.0]
--> 0.0.1

Who wrote this module?  [samdev]

What license does this module code fall under?  [Apache-2.0]

How would you describe this module in a single sentence?
--> An Example Module to install PHPMyAdmin

Where is this module's source code repository?

Where can others go to learn more about this module?  []

Where can others go to file issues about this module?  []

  "name": "samdev-example_phpmyadmin",
"version": "0.0.1",
  "author": "samdev",
  "summary": "An Example Module to install PHPMyAdmin",
  "license": "Apache-2.0",
  "source": "",
  "project_page": "",
  "issues_url": "",
  "dependencies": [
    {"name":"puppetlabs-stdlib","version_requirement":">= 1.0.0"}

About to generate this metadata; continue? [n/Y]

Notice: Generating module at /home/samdev/control/dist/example_phpmyadmin...
Notice: Populating templates...
Finished; module generated in example_phpmyadmin.


If you plan to upload your module to the Forge or GitHub, use your Forge or GitHub account name for the user portion of the module name (in the example, replace samdev with your GitHub account).

Comments in modules

The previous command generates metadata.json and files that can be modified for your use as and when required. The metadata.json file is where you specify who wrote the module and which license it is released under. If your module depends on any other module, you can specify the modules in the dependencies section of this file. In addition to the file, an init.pp template is created in the manifests directory.

Our phpmyadmin package needs to install Apache (httpd) and configure the httpd service, so we'll create two new files in the manifests directory, pkg.pp and svc.pp.


It's important to be consistent from the beginning; if you choose to use package.pp and service.pp, use that everywhere to save yourself time later.

In init.pp, we'll include our example_phpmyadmin::pkg and example_phpmyadmin::svc classes, as shown in the following code:

class example_phpmyadmin {
  include example_phpmyadmin::pkg
  include example_phpmyadmin::svc

The pkg.pp file will define example_phpmyadmin::pkg, as shown in the following code:

class example_phpmyadmin::pkg {
  package {'httpd':
    ensure => 'installed',
    alias  => 'apache'

The svc.pp file will define example_phpmyadmin::svc, as shown in the following code:

class example_phpmyadmin::svc {
  service {'httpd':
    ensure => 'running',
    enable => true

Now, we'll define another module called example_phpldapadmin using the puppet module command, as shown here:

[samdev@standdist]$ puppet module generate samdev-example_phpldapadmin
We need to create a metadata.json file for this module.  Please answer the
following questions; if the question is not applicable to this module, feel free
to leave it blank.

Notice: Generating module at /home/samdev/control/dist/example_phpldapadmin...
Notice: Populating templates...
Finished; module generated in example_phpldapadmin.

We'll define the init.pp, pkg.pp, and svc.pp files in this new module just as we did in our last module so that our three class files contain the following code:

class example_phpldapadmin {
  include example_phpldapadmin::pkg
  include example_phpldapadmin::svc

class example_phpldapadmin::pkg {
  package {'httpd':
    ensure => 'installed',
    alias  => 'apache'

class example_phpldapadmin::svc {
  service {'httpd':
    ensure => 'running',
    enable => true

Now we have a problem, phpldapadmin uses the httpd package and so does phpmyadmin, and it's quite likely that these two modules may be included in the same node.


Remember to add the two modules to your control repository and push the changes to Git. Your Git hook should trigger an update to Puppet module directories.

We'll include both of them on our client by editing client.yaml and then we will run Puppet using the following command:

[root@client ~]# puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Duplicate declaration: Package[httpd] is already declared in file /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/dist/example_phpmyadmin/manifests/pkg.pp:2; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/dist/example_phpldapadmin/manifests/pkg.pp:2 at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/dist/example_phpldapadmin/manifests/pkg.pp:2:3 on node
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

Multiple definitions

A resource in Puppet can only be defined once per node. What this means is that if our module defines the httpd package, no other module can define httpd. There are several ways to deal with this problem and we will work through two different solutions.

The first solution is the more difficult option—use virtual resources to define the package and then realize the package in each place you need. Virtual resources are similar to a placeholder for a resource; you define the resource but you don't use it. This means that Puppet master knows about the Puppet definition when you virtualize it, but it doesn't include the resource in the catalog at that point. Resources are included when you realize them later; the idea being that you can virtualize the resources multiple times and not have them interfere with each other. Working through our example, we will use the @ (at) symbol to virtualize our package and service resources. To use this model, it's helpful to create a container for the resources you are going to virtualize. In this case, we'll make modules for example_packages and example_services using Puppet module's generate command again.

The init.pp file for example_packages will contain the following:

class example_packages {
  @package {'httpd':
    ensure => 'installed',
    alias  => 'apache',

The init.pp file for example_services will contain the following:

class example_services {
  @service {'httpd':
    ensure  =>'running',
    enable  => true,
    require => Package['httpd'],

These two classes define the package and service for httpd as virtual. We then need to include these classes in our example_phpmyadmin and example_phpldapadmin classes. The modified example_phpmyadmin::pkg class will now be, as follows:

class example_phpmyadmin::pkg {
  include example_packages

And the example_phpmyadmin::svc class will now be the following:

class example_phpmyadmin::svc {
  include example_services

We will modify the example_phpldapadmin class in the same way and then attempt another Puppet run on client (which still has example_phpldapadmin and example_phpmyadmin classes), as shown here:

[root@client ~]# puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1443928369'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Example_packages/Package[httpd]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Example_services/Service[httpd]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Info: /Stage[main]/Example_services/Service[httpd]: Unscheduling refresh on Service[httpd]
Notice: Applied catalog in 11.17 seconds

For this solution to work, you need to migrate the resources that may be used by multiple modules to your top-level resource module and include the resource module wherever you need to realize the resource.

In addition to the realize function, used previously, a collector exists for virtual resources. A collector is a kind of glob that can be applied to virtual resources to realize resources based on a tag. A tag in Puppet is just a meta attribute of a resource that can be used for searching later. Tags are only used by collectors (for both virtual and exported resources, the exported resources will be explored in a later chapter) and they do not affect the resource.

To use a collector in the previous example, we will have to define a tag in the virtual resources, for the httpd package this will be, as follows:

class example_packages {
  @package {'httpd':
    ensure => 'installed',
    alias  => 'apache',
    tag    => 'apache',

And then to realize the package using the collector, we will use the following code:

class example_phpldapadmin::pkg {
  include example_packages
  Package <| tag == 'apache' |>

The second solution will be to move the resource definitions into their own class and include that class whenever you need to realize the resource. This is considered to be a more appropriate way of solving the problem. Using the virtual resources described previously splits the definition of the package away from its use area.

For the previous example, instead of a class for all package resources, we will create one specifically for Apache and include that wherever we need to use Apache. We'll create the example_apache module monolithically with a single class for the package and the service, as shown in the following code:

class example_apache {
  package {'httpd':
    ensure => 'installed',
    alias  => 'apache'
  service {'httpd':
    ensure  => 'running',
    enable  => true,
    require=> Package['httpd'],

Now, in example_phpldapadmin::pkg and example_phpldapadmin::svc, we only need to include example_apache. This is because we can include a class any number of times in a catalog compilation without error. So, both our example_phpldapadmin::pkg and example_phpldapadmin::svc classes are going to receive definitions for the package and service of httpd; however, this doesn't matter, as they only get included once in the catalog, as shown in the following code:

class example_phpldapadmin::pkg {
  include example_apache

Both these methods solve the issue of using a resource in multiple packages. The rule is that a resource can only be defined once per catalog, but you should think of that rule as once per organization so that your modules won't interfere with those of another group within your organization.

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