Creating a web service implementation class

JAX-WS annotations were added in Java EE 5.0. Using these annotations, we can turn any Java class (including POJOs) into a web service. Use the @Webservice annotation to make any Java class a web service. This annotation can be used either on an interface or on a Java class. If a Java class is annotated with @Webservice, then all public methods in the class are exposed in the web service. If a Java interface is annotated with @Webservice, then the implementation class still needs to be annotated with @Webservice and with the endpointInterface attribute and its value as the interface name.

Before we create the web service implementation class, let's create a few helper classes. The first one is the Course data transfer object. This is the same class that we created in previous chapters. Create the Course class in the package:

public class Course { 
  private int id; 
  private String name; 
  private int credits; 
  //Setters and getters follow here 

Let's now create the web service implementation class CourseManagementService in the package:

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 
import javax.jws.WebService; 
public class CourseManagementService { 
  public List<Course> getCourses() { 
    //Here courses could be fetched from database using, 
    //for example, JDBC or JDO. However, to keep this example 
    //simple, we will return hardcoded list of courses 
    List<Course> courses = new ArrayList<Course>(); 
    courses.add(new Course(1, "Course-1", 4)); 
    courses.add(new Course(2, "Course-2", 3)); 
    return courses; 
  public Course getCourse(int courseId) { 
    //Here again, we could get course details from database using 
    //JDBC or JDO. However, to keep this example 
    //simple, we will return hardcoded course 
    return new Course(1,"Course-1",4); 

CourseManagementService has the following two methods: getCourses and getCourse. To keep the example simple, we have hardcoded the values, but you can very well fetch data from a database, for example, using the JDBC or JDO APIs that we have discussed earlier in this book. The class is annotated with @WebService, which tells the JAX-WS implementation to treat this class as a web service. All methods in this class will be exposed as web service operations. If you want a specific method to be exposed, you could use @WebMethod.

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