Implementing JMS topic publisher

Let's say that we want to inform a bunch of applications when a new course is added. Such use cases can be best implemented by a JMS topic. A topic can have many subscribers. When a message is added to the topic, all subscribers are sent the same message. This is unlike a queue, where only one queue listener gets a message.

Steps to publish messages to a topic and subscribe for messages are very similar to those for a queue, except for the different classes, and in some cases, different method names.

Let's implement a topic publisher, which we will use when the message for adding a course is successfully handled in the onMessage method of the listener class implemented in CourseQueueReceiver.

Create CourseTopicPublisher in the packt.jee.eclipse.jms package with the following content:

package packt.jee.eclipse.jms; 
//skipped imports 
public class CourseTopicPublisher { 
  private TopicConnection connection; 
  private TopicSession session; 
  private Topic topic; 
  public CourseTopicPublisher() throws Exception { 
    InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext(); 
    TopicConnectionFactory connectionFactory = 
(TopicConnectionFactory)initCtx. lookup("jms/CourseManagemenCF"); connection = connectionFactory.createTopicConnection(); connection.start(); session = connection.createTopicSession(false,
Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); topic = (Topic)initCtx.lookup("jms/courseManagementTopic"); } public void close() { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (JMSException e) { e.printStackTrace();. } } } public void publishAddCourseMessage (CourseDTO course) throws
Exception { TopicPublisher sender = session.createPublisher(topic); ObjectMessage objMessage =
session.createObjectMessage(course); sender.send(objMessage); } }

The code is quite simple and self-explanatory. Let's now modify the queue receiver class that we implemented, CourseQueueReceiver, to publish a message to the topic from the onMessage method, after the message from the queue is handled successfully:

public class CourseQueueReceiver { 
  private CourseTopicPublisher topicPublisher; 
  public CourseQueueReceiver(String name) throws Exception{ 
    //code to lookup connection factory, create session, 
    //and look up queue remains unchanged. Skipping this code 
    //create topic publisher 
    topicPublisher = new CourseTopicPublisher(); 
    QueueReceiver receiver = session.createReceiver(queue); 
    //register message listener 
    receiver.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() { 
      public void onMessage(Message message) { 
        //we expect ObjectMessage here; of type CourseDTO 
        //Skipping validation 
        try { 
          //code to process message is unchanged. Skipping it 
          //publish message to topic 
          if (topicPublisher != null) 
        } catch (Exception e) { 
          //TODO: handle and log exception 
  //remaining code is unchanged. Skipping it 
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