Creating the user group and user

We will perform the following steps to create a user group:

  1. Go to the AWS Management Console ( and log in.
  2. Select Services | IAM (Identity & Access Management) from the menu at the top. 
  3. Select Groups from the list on the left-hand side.
  4. Click the Create New Group button.
  5. Follow the wizard to specify the group's name and attach the access policy. Let’s name the group aws_eclipse_users.
  6. Select the Administrator Access policy for the group.

We will perform the following steps to create a user:

  1. Select Users from the list on the left-hand side and click the Add User button.
  2. Let’s set the User Name as aws_eclipse_user.
  3. In the Access Type options, select the AWS Management Console access option. The Require password reset option can be turned off if you so desire.
  4. Click the Next: Permission button and then select the group we created previously, which is aws_eclipse_users.
  5. Follow the steps on the page to complete the workflow, which ultimately leads to you creating the user.

Now, you should have the aws_eclipse_users group with Administrator Access and the aws_eclipse_user user in that group.

The next step is to create an access key for the user. Go to the page that lists all users (click Users from the list on the left-hand side of the page) and click on the user aws_eclipse_user. Click on the Security credentials tab and then click the Create access key button. It creates an access key and displays Access key ID and Secret access key. Save this information for future use. AWS gives you the option to download the CSV file containing this information.


Both Access Key ID and Secret Access Key are required to access AWS services from Eclipse. This is the only place AWS shows the Secret Access Key. If you lose this information, it is not possible to get it back later, so make sure that you save this information.

Next, we will add a security group and specify inbound traffic rules for the same. In the AWS Management Console, go to Services | EC2 | Network & Security | Security Groups page. Click Create Security Group button. Enter Security group name as eclipse-dev. Enter any description (this is a mandatory field). Then create following inbound rules:

Type Protocol Port Range Source
SSH TCP 22 Anywhere (see the note following this table)
Custom TCP TCP 8080 Anywhere

SSH inbound rule above will give access to your EC2 instance from any IP. If you want to limit access, do not select source as Anywhere, but set specific IPs, selecting Custom.

Because this chapter explains how to deploy JEE applications in xloud for development and testing, Source is selected as Anywhere (any IP).

The preceding security group will provide SSH access to any external IP on port 22 and TCP access on port 8080.

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