Deploying the application in Google Compute Engine

In this section, we will create an instance of a VM in Google Compute Engine and deploy a JEE application in it. Once we create a VM, we can follow the same steps we did to install the GlassFish Server and the Course Management application in the EC2 instance in the preceding Installing the CourseManagement EJB application in an EC2 instance section. But let’s deploy a different application in the Compute Engine. In the last chapter, we saw how to deploy JEE applications in Docker containers. So, let’s install Docker in a VM in Compute Engine and deploy the CourseManagement service in it. But first, let’s create a VM. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this book, Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse does not provide much support for working with Compute Engine. Therefore, we will be using either the Google Cloud Console web page or Terminal on the host machine. 

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