Deploying the application in Google App Engine

App Engine is Google’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering, similar to Elastic Beanstalk from Amazon. In the section Creating Elastic Beanstalk application from Eclipse, we deployed the CourseManagementREST service using Elastic Beanstalk. In this section, we will learn how to deploy the same service using Google App Engine.

Let’s make a copy of the CourseManagementREST project. Right-click on the project in Eclipse Project Explorer and select Copy. Right-click anywhere in Project Explorer and select Paste. Eclipse will prompt you to name the project. Let’s name it CourseManagementREST-GAE. We will deploy this project using Google App Engine.

Let’s configure our project as an App Engine project. Right-click on the CourseManagementREST-GAE project in Project Explorer and select Configure | Convert to App Engine Standard Project.

If you are creating a new project for deployment to Google App Engine, then go to the File | New | Google App Engine Standard Java Project menu. Or, go to the drop-down menu from the Google Cloud Platform icon in the toolbar and select Create New Project | Google App Engine Standard Java Project.

Before we deploy the project, remove web.xml from the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF folder. Google App Engine’s Java platform uses the Jetty server and it does not need web.xml for this deployment.

You may see an error stating web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true pom.xml after deleting web.xml. To suppress this error, add the following property in pom.xml:


To test this application locally, go to the Servers view, right-click on it, and select New | Server. Then, expand the Google group and select App Engine Standard:

Figure 13.23: Creating a local App Engine server

Click Next and add the CourseManagementREST-GAE project for deployment:

Figure 13.24: Adding the CourseManagementREST-GAE project for deployment

Click Finish and start the server from the Server view. Then, browse to http://localhost:8080/services/course/get/1 to verify that the application has been deployed properly.

If you get errors regarding the JDK version in pom.xml, add the following section in pom.xml, above the dependencies section:


Before you deploy this project to Google App Engine, you should make sure that an application has been created in Google App Engine. Browse to and check if any application exists. If not, you can create an application from that page. Alternately, you can run the following command in Terminal:

gcloud app create

To deploy this project to Google App Engine, select the project in Project Explorer and the drop-down menu from the Google Cloud Platform toolbar button:

Figure 13.25: Deploying the project to Google App Engine

Select the Deploy to App Engine Standard... menu:

Figure 13.26: Setting deployment parameters for Google App Engine

Select your Google account from the drop-down menu, if not already selected, and then select the Google Cloud project you want the application deployed to.

Once the project is deployed, browse to https://<your_project_id> to verify it.

To stop the application, you need to disable the application—open and go to App Engine | Settings and click the Disable Application button.

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