Installing the Eclipse Subversion plugin

  1. Open the Eclipse Marketplace by selecting the Help | Eclipse Marketplace menu. Search for subversion:
Figure 3.1: Installing the Subversion plugin
  1. Install the plugin. Before we configure an SVN repository in Eclipse, we need to select/install an SVN Connector. Go to Eclipse Preferences and type svn in the filter box. Then, go to the SVN Connector tab:
Figure 3.2: SVN Connector preferences

If no connectors are installed, then you will see a Get Connectors... button. Click the button.

  1. Eclipse displays a number of available connectors. We will choose the SVN Kit connector and install it (click the Finish button):
Figure 3.3: The SVN Connector Discovery wizard
  1. We will now configure an existing SVN repository in Eclipse. Select the Window | Open Perspective | Other menu and then select the SVN Repository Exploring perspective:
Figure 3.4: Open SVN perspective
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