Adding projects to an SVN repository

Perform the following steps to add projects to an SVN repository:

  1. Right-click in the SVN Repositories view and select New | Repository Location.
  2. Enter the URL of your SVN repository, your username, and password. If you need to set SSH or SSL information to connect to your SVN repository, then click on the appropriate tab and enter the information. Click Finish to add the repository to Eclipse:
Figure 3.5: Configuring an SVN repository

Let's now create a simple Java project that we would check into the SVN repository. In this chapter, it is not important what code you write in the project; we are going to use the project only to understand how to check in project files to SVN and then see how to sync the project.

  1. Create a simple Java project as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 3.6: A sample project for SVN testing
  1. The project has one source file. We will now check in this project in SVN. Right-click on the project and select Team | Share Project....
  2. Select SVN and click the Next button. The wizard gives you options to either create a new SVN repository or select an already configured SVN repository:
Figure 3.7: Share Project with SVN repository
  1. We are going to use the already configured repository. So, select the repository:
Figure 3.8: Selecting an SVN repository or creating a new one
  1. We can click Next and configure the advanced option, but we will keep the configuration simple and click Finish. You will be prompted to check in existing files in the project:
Figure 3.9: Share Project with SVN repository
  1. Select the files you want to check in and enter the check-in comments. Then click OK. To see the checked in files in the SVN repository, switch to the SVN Repository Exploring perspective and then to the SVN Repositories view:
Figure 3.10: Checked in files in the SVN Repositories view
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