Building an agent to play Atari games

Now we will see how to build an agent to play any Atari game. You can get the complete code as a Jupyter notebook with the explanation here (

First, we import all the necessary libraries:

import numpy as np
import gym
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.layers import flatten, conv2d, fully_connected
from collections import deque, Counter
import random
from datetime import datetime

We can use any of the Atari gaming environments given here:

In this example, we use the Pac-Man game environment:

env = gym.make("MsPacman-v0")
n_outputs = env.action_space.n

The Pac-Man environment is shown here:

Now we define a preprocess_observation function for preprocessing our input game screen. We reduce the image size and convert the image to grayscale:

color = np.array([210, 164, 74]).mean()

def preprocess_observation(obs):

# Crop and resize the image
img = obs[1:176:2, ::2]

# Convert the image to greyscale
img = img.mean(axis=2)

# Improve image contrast
img[img==color] = 0

# Next we normalize the image from -1 to +1
img = (img - 128) / 128 - 1

return img.reshape(88,80,1)

Okay, now we define a q_network function for building our Q network. The input to our Q network will be the game state X.

We build a Q network with three convolutional layers with the same padding, followed by a fully connected layer:


def q_network(X, name_scope):

# Initialize layers
initializer = tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer()

with tf.variable_scope(name_scope) as scope:

# initialize the convolutional layers
layer_1 = conv2d(X, num_outputs=32, kernel_size=(8,8), stride=4, padding='SAME', weights_initializer=initializer)

layer_2 = conv2d(layer_1, num_outputs=64, kernel_size=(4,4), stride=2, padding='SAME', weights_initializer=initializer)

layer_3 = conv2d(layer_2, num_outputs=64, kernel_size=(3,3), stride=1, padding='SAME', weights_initializer=initializer)

# Flatten the result of layer_3 before feeding to the
# fully connected layer
flat = flatten(layer_3)

fc = fully_connected(flat, num_outputs=128, weights_initializer=initializer)

output = fully_connected(fc, num_outputs=n_outputs, activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=initializer)

# Vars will store the parameters of the network such as weights
vars = {[len(]: v for v in tf.get_collection(key=tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES,}
return vars, output

Next, we define an epsilon_greedy function for performing the epsilon-greedy policy. In the epsilon-greedy policy, we either select the best action with the probability 1-epsilon or a random action with the probability epsilon.

We use a decaying epsilon-greedy policy where the value of epsilon will be decaying over time as we don't want to explore forever. So, over time, our policy will be exploiting only good actions:

epsilon = 0.5
eps_min = 0.05
eps_max = 1.0
eps_decay_steps = 500000
def epsilon_greedy(action, step):
p = np.random.random(1).squeeze()
epsilon = max(eps_min, eps_max - (eps_max-eps_min) * step/eps_decay_steps)
if np.random.rand() < epsilon:
return np.random.randint(n_outputs)
return action

Now, we initialize our experience replay buffer of length 20000, which holds the experience.

We store all the agent's experiences (state, action, rewards) in the experience replay buffer and we sample this mini batch of experiences for training the network:

def sample_memories(batch_size):
perm_batch = np.random.permutation(len(exp_buffer))[:batch_size]
mem = np.array(exp_buffer)[perm_batch]
return mem[:,0], mem[:,1], mem[:,2], mem[:,3], mem[:,4]

Next, we define all our hyperparameters:

num_episodes = 800
batch_size = 48
input_shape = (None, 88, 80, 1)
learning_rate = 0.001
X_shape = (None, 88, 80, 1)
discount_factor = 0.97

global_step = 0
copy_steps = 100
steps_train = 4
start_steps = 2000
logdir = 'logs'

Now we define the placeholder for our input, such as the game state:

X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=X_shape)

We define a boolean called in_training_mode to toggle the training:

in_training_mode = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)

We build our Q network, which takes the input X and generates Q values for all the actions in the state:

mainQ, mainQ_outputs = q_network(X, 'mainQ')

Similarly, we build our target Q network:

targetQ, targetQ_outputs = q_network(X, 'targetQ')

Define the placeholder for our action values:

X_action = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,))
Q_action = tf.reduce_sum(targetQ_outputs * tf.one_hot(X_action, n_outputs), axis=-1, keep_dims=True)

Copy the main Q network parameters to the target Q network:

copy_op = [tf.assign(main_name, targetQ[var_name]) for var_name, main_name in mainQ.items()]
copy_target_to_main =*copy_op)

Define a placeholder for our output, such as action:

y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None,1))

Now we calculate the loss, which is the difference between the actual value and predicted value:

loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - Q_action))

We use AdamOptimizer for minimizing the loss:

optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)

Set up the log files for visualization in TensorBoard: 

loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar('LOSS', loss) 
merge_summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
file_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir, tf.get_default_graph())

Next, we start the TensorFlow session and run the model:

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as sess:

# for each episode
for i in range(num_episodes):
done = False
obs = env.reset()
epoch = 0
episodic_reward = 0
actions_counter = Counter()
episodic_loss = []

# while the state is not the terminal state
while not done:


# get the preprocessed game screen
obs = preprocess_observation(obs)

# feed the game screen and get the Q values for each action
actions = mainQ_outputs.eval(feed_dict={X:[obs], in_training_mode:False})

# get the action
action = np.argmax(actions, axis=-1)
actions_counter[str(action)] += 1

# select the action using epsilon greedy policy
action = epsilon_greedy(action, global_step)

# now perform the action and move to the next state,
# next_obs, receive reward
next_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

# Store this transition as an experience in the replay buffer
exp_buffer.append([obs, action, preprocess_observation(next_obs), reward, done])

# After certain steps, we train our Q network with samples from the experience replay buffer
if global_step % steps_train == 0 and global_step > start_steps:

# sample experience
o_obs, o_act, o_next_obs, o_rew, o_done = sample_memories(batch_size)

# states
o_obs = [x for x in o_obs]

# next states
o_next_obs = [x for x in o_next_obs]

# next actions
next_act = mainQ_outputs.eval(feed_dict={X:o_next_obs, in_training_mode:False})

# reward
y_batch = o_rew + discount_factor * np.max(next_act, axis=-1) * (1-o_done)

# merge all summaries and write to the file
mrg_summary = merge_summary.eval(feed_dict={X:o_obs, y:np.expand_dims(y_batch, axis=-1), X_action:o_act, in_training_mode:False})
file_writer.add_summary(mrg_summary, global_step)

                # now we train the network and calculate loss
train_loss, _ =[loss, training_op], feed_dict={X:o_obs, y:np.expand_dims(y_batch, axis=-1), X_action:o_act, in_training_mode:True})

# after some interval we copy our main Q network weights to target Q network
if (global_step+1) % copy_steps == 0 and global_step > start_steps:

obs = next_obs
epoch += 1
global_step += 1
episodic_reward += reward

print('Epoch', epoch, 'Reward', episodic_reward,)

You can see the output as follows:

We can see the computation graph of the DQN in TensorBoard as follows:

We can visualize the distribution of weights in both our main and target networks:

We can also see the loss:

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