The three As

Before diving in, what does A3C mean? What do the three As signify?

In A3C, the first A, Asynchronous, implies how it works. Instead of having a single agent that tries to learn the optimal policy such as in DQN, here, we have multiple agents that interact with the environment. Since we have multiple agents interacting to the environment at the same time, we provide copies of the environment to every agent so that each agent can interact with its own copy of the environment. So, all these multiple agents are called worker agents and we have a separate agent called global network that all the agents report to. The global network aggregates the learning.

The second A is Advantage; we have seen what an advantage function is while discussing the dueling network architecture of DQN. The advantage function can be defined as the difference between the Q function and the value function. We know that the Q function specifies how good the action is in a state and the value function specifies how good the state is. Now, think intuitively; what does the difference between these two imply? It tells us how good it is for an agent to perform an action a in a state s compared to all other actions.

The third A is Actor Critic; the architecture has two types of network, actor and critic. The role of the actor is to learn a policy and the role of the critic is to evaluate how good the policy learned by the actor is. 

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