The architecture of A3C

Now, let's look at the architecture of A3C. Look at the following diagram:

We can understand how A3C works by just looking at the preceding diagram. As we discussed, we can see there are multiple worker agents each interacting with its own copies of the environment. A worker then learns policy and calculates the gradient of the policy loss and updates the gradients to the global network. This global network is updated simultaneously by every agent. One of the advantages of A3C is that, unlike DQN, we don't use experience replay memory here. In fact, that it is one of the greatest advantages of an A3C network. Since we have multiple agents interacting with the environment and aggregating the information to the global network, there will be low to no correlation between the experience. Experience replay needs a lot of memory holding all of the experience. As A3C doesn't need that, our storage space and computation time will be reduced.

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