Policy gradient

The policy gradient is one of the amazing algorithms in reinforcement learning (RL) where we directly optimize the policy parameterized by some parameter . So far, we have used the Q function for finding the optimal policy. Now we will see how to find the optimal policy without the Q function. First, let's define the policy function as , that is, the probability of taking an action a given the state s. We parameterize the policy via a parameter   as , which allows us to determine the best action in a state. 

The policy gradient method has several advantages, and it can handle the continuous action space where we have an infinite number of actions and states. Say we are building a self-driving car. A car should be driven without hitting any other vehicles. We get a negative reward when the car hits a vehicle and a positive reward when the car does not hit any other vehicle. We update our model parameters in such a way that we receive only a positive reward so that our car will not hit any other vehicles. This is the basic idea of policy gradient: we update the model parameter in a way that maximizes the reward. Let's look at this in detail.

We use a neural network for finding the optimal policy and we call this network a policy network. The input to the policy network will be the state and the output will be the probability of each action in that state. Once we have this probability, we can sample an action from this distribution and perform that action in the state. But the action we sampled might not be the correct action to perform in the state. That's fine—we perform the action and store the reward. Similarly, we perform actions in each state by sampling an action from the distribution and we store the reward. Now, this becomes our training data. We perform gradient descent and update gradients in a such a way that actions yielding high reward in a state will have a high probability and actions yielding low reward will have a low probability. What is the loss function? Here, we use softmax cross entropy loss and then we multiply the loss by the reward value.

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