Agent environment interface

Agents are the software agents that perform actions, At, at a time, t, to move from one state, St, to another state St+1. Based on actions, agents receive a numerical reward, R, from the environment. Ultimately, RL is all about finding the optimal actions that will increase the numerical reward:


Let us understand the concept of RL with a maze game:


The objective of a maze is to reach the destination without getting stuck on the obstacles. Here's the workflow:

  • The agent is the one who travels through the maze, which is our software program/ RL algorithm
  • The environment is the maze
  • The state is the position in a maze that the agent currently resides in 
  • An agent performs an action by moving from one state to another
  • An agent receives a positive reward when its action doesn't get stuck on any obstacle and receives a negative reward when its action gets stuck on obstacles so it cannot reach the destination
  • The goal is to clear the maze and reach the destination
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