Life cycle events

Within each layer, the following life cycle events can be triggered:

  • Setup: Once the instance starts and the agent or client reports to the server, the setup event runs the recopies or modules that configure the instance to the base specification of the layer.
  • Configure: A configure event occurs whenever an instance is added or removed from a layer or whenever network interfaces or load balancers are connected to the layer.
  • Deploy: Whenever a deployment of an application is initiated, the deployed life cycle event will pick up the recopies or modules that need to be executed on the instances. We can use deploy to update our software or patch our servers.
  • Undeploy: We can use undeploy to remove an application or roll back changes that have been made by a deploy operation.
  • Shutdown: The shutdown life cycle event is triggered upon shutdown of an instance. This gives the instance time to leave a cluster, record any data, or transfer any logs to an external source before it is terminated.

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